Types of Yoni in Astrology

Hindus in India do Kundli Matching before fixing a marriage alliance. Kundli Matching is nothing but the matching of the girl’s and boy’s horoscopes. Kundli Matching helps assess if the marriage will be a success or not. During this process, many parameters are matched. One among them is Yoni matching or Yoni Porutham. It refers to the sexual compatibility between the couple. Yoni matching is also about the agreement between two yonis and their long-term relationship.

Types of Yoni in Astrology

Understanding Yoni Matching

Yoni usually refers to the generative organ of the female body. Its Sanskrit meaning is ‘womb’. But in Vedic astrology and Kundli Matching, Yoni refers to the sexual nature of a person. It also describes the kind of person one would like to be in a relationship with and satisfactory sexual relations. The type of Yoni you have depends on your birth star or Janma Nakshatra.

Yoni also refers to the bond between a couple, their level of physical satisfaction, and karmic connections. As per the ancient standards of sexual compatibility, physical relationships were not considered during Yoni Porutham. The emotional and karmic bond between a couple after marriage was the real focus.

The Yoni concept is based on animal symbolism; thus, each zodiac sign is linked to a particular animal.

Different Types of Yoni

In total, there are 13 types of Yoni. Yoni is useful for determining the physical attraction and repulsion between the couple. The 13 yonis are Ashwa Yoni, Gaya Yoni, Sarpa Yoni, Simha Yoni, Nakul Yoni, Vyaghra Yoni, etc. They are again classified as Male Yoni and Female Yoni. These different types of Yoni will be considered during Kundali matching, which throws light on the sexual compatibility and satisfaction experienced by the couple in the marriage.


Yoni Matching Chart

Yoni is based on the Janma Nakshatra of a person. Your Yoni type is a characteristic of your birth star or Janma Nakshatra. It is not linked to your Zodiac sign or Rashi.

Given below are all the Yoni types, their animal signs, and their gender as per the Janma Nakshatra.

NakshatraYoni NameYoni TypeYoni Gender
AshwiniAshwa YoniHorse YoniMale
BharaniGaja YoniElephant YoniMale
KrittikaMesha YoniSheep YoniFemale
RohiniSarpa YoniThe serpent or Snake YoniMale
MrigashirshaSarpa YoniThe serpent or Snake YoniFemale
AdraShwaan YoniDog YoniFemale
PunarvasuMarjar YoniCat YoniFemale
PushyaMesha Yoni or Aja YoniSheet Yoni or Goat YoniMale
AshleshaMarjar Yoni or Bilav YoniCat YoniMale
MaghaMushak YoniRat YoniMale
Purva PhalguniMushak YoniRat YoniFemale
Uttara PhalguniGow Yoni or Vrishabha YoniCow YoniMale
HastaMahish YoniBuffalo YoniFemale
ChitraVyaghra YoniTiger YoniFemale
SwatiMahish YoniBuffalo YoniMale
VishakhaVyaghra YoniTiger YoniMale
AnuradhaMriga YoniDeer YoniFemale
JyeshtaMriga YoniDeer YoniMale
MoolaShwaan YoniDog YoniMale
Purva AshdhaVanar YoniMonkey YoniMale
Uttara AshadhaNakul YoniMongoose YoniFemale
ShravanaVanar YoniMonkey YoniFemale
DhanishtaSimha YoniLion YoniFemale
ShatabhishaAshwa YoniHorse YoniMale
Purva BhadrapadaSimha YoniLion YoniFemale
Uttara BhadrapadaGow YoniCow YoniFemale
RevatiGaja YoniElephant YoniFemale
AbhijitNakul YoniMongoose YoniMale

Importance of Yoni Matching

When doing Kundli Matching, the couple’s state of mind, attitudes, interests, etc., can be predicted using planetary positions in the horoscope. Physical/sexual compatibility, too, is very important if the marriage is to succeed.  Yoni matching indicates the sexual intimacy between the couple, which is essential for a harmonious marriage as it is a vital element of the husband-wife bond.

Yoni matching carries 4 points. Yoni matches are of 5 types.

Same Yoni: Couples with the same type of Yoni get four points. This is the best match. 

Friendly Yoni: If the couple’s Yoni types are friendly to each other, they get three points. It indicates a healthy relationship.

Neutral Yoni: If the couple’s Yonis are neutral, they get two points. They will be able to adjust in a relationship.

Opposite Yoni: If a couple has opposite yonis, they get only one point. There will be sexual problems in their relationship.

Enemy Yoni: If the couple has enemy Yoni types, they get zero points. Their sexual relationship will be very unsatisfactory due to physical frustrations and health problems. This leads to Yoni dosha.

When the Yoni types do not match, the couple is advised not to get married. Enemy yoni types can cause great problems between the couple. There may be a total lack of interest in sex in such cases. Opposite yoni types also cause sexual frustration.

Friendly Yoni Types

The following Yoni types are friendly to each other:

1. Horse and Serpent 2. Deer and Horse 3. Horse and Monkey 4. Elephant and Sheep 5. Goat and Elephant 6. Serpent and Elephant 7. Elephant and Buffalo 8. Monkey and Elephant 9. Sheep and Cow 10. Cow and Goat 11. Sheep and Buffalo 12. Mongoose and Sheep 13. Cat and Deer 14. Monkey and Cat 15. Cow and Buffalo 16. Deer and Cow 17. Monkey and Mongoose 18. Mongoose and Goat

Enemy Yoni Types

The following yoni types are enemies:

1. Horse and Buffalo (Ashwa Yoni and Mahish Yoni) 2. Elephant and Lion (Gaja Yoni and Simha Yoni) 3. Sheep and Monkey (Mesha Yoni and Vanar Yoni) 4. Goat and Monkey (Aja Yoni and Vanar Yoni) 5. Mongoose and Serpent (Nakul Yoni and Sarpa Yoni) 6. Deer and Dog (Mriga Yoni and Shwaan Yoni) 7. Cat and Rat (Marjar Yoni and Mushak Yoni) 8. Bull or Cow and Tiger (Gau Yoni and Vyaghra Yoni)

Same Yoni Types: 

Janma Nakshatra and corresponding Types of Yoni

1. Ashwini, Shatabisha -Horse 2. Bharani, Revati – Elephant 3. Krittika, Pushya – Goat 4. Rohini, Mrigashira – Snake 5. Arudra, Mula – Dog 6. Punarvasu, Aslesha – Cat 7. Magha, Purva Phalguni – Rat 8. Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Bhadrapada – Cow 9. Hasta, Swati – Buffalo 10. Chitra, Vishakha – Tiger 11. Anuradha, Jyeshtha – Deer 12. Purvashada, Shravana – Monkey 13. Uttara Ashada – Mongoose 14. Dhanishtha, Purva Bhadrapada – Lion

Yoni Matching is a pointer to the karmic outcomes of a marriage apart from the physical and emotional aspects. Therefore, Yoni Porutham can bring together two people who are similar in many of their aspects.