January 2019 Taurus Monthly Horoscope Predictions


Taurus Monthly Horoscope – General Overview

This is the right time for the Taurus people to enjoy life with success and joy. Help and support may be forthcoming from friends and relatives; your plans may start working out really fast, and there may be an acquisition of assets of your choice. Work life may be equally good, and you may prove your worth there, in no uncertain terms. This may earn you recognition and status. Domestic front too may remain enjoyable, and there may be harmony and intimacy among family members. Some of you may also proceed on a foreign trip, while some may go in for fashionable goods. In short, you may remain the ruler of your own destiny now. But, let not success get into your head; try to be humble. You should enjoy normal health.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope – Love/Marriage

Those who are deeply in love may see that crystalizing into a stable relationship, this month. However, you may take care to give enough time to your partner to understand you. Pleasure trips with the partner can cement the relationship and give joy. The single may get alliances for marriage. Care needs to be exercised in choosing the right one for taking as life-partner.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope – Finance

Money front will be promising during this time, and many of you may go for fixed deposits, as a form of long-term savings. However, there may be temptations to spend heavily on luxury items, which you may have to control. There may be support from friends too, in case of need, but you should avail them only after giving proper commitments on repayment.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope – Career

Career progression will be satisfactory. Accepting challenging assignments, may prove you efficiency and worth, and help to build your reputation. Your hard work may give intended results and may help in your career progression. Cordial relationship with co-workers may earn their respect and support.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope – Business

Your business efforts are expected to run smoothly now, and you may be able to meet targets with ease. New projects too will proceed as per plans and timelines; however, it is always better to monitor work-in-progress closely and keep yourself posted of the developments regularly. Please do take care to pay all taxes and clear pending payments to the government, to avoid future problems.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope – Professionals

Taurus professionals can see a marked improvement in work, and they may be able to satisfy themselves and their superiors by their performance. It will, however, be advantageous for you to remain in the good books of those in authority, and that may get you their support. Your performance may also get noticed by the right people at this time. However, you are cautioned not to indulge in lose talks or gossip, as that may work against you.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope – Health

Health too is likely to be robust now. Take nutritious diets and undergo regular health checkups, and these may help you further. There is, however, a possibility of you getting affected by air pollution during travel, so please take care. Doing regular Yoga may help to improve stamina and resistance powers.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope – Students

Students may have a very productive time now, and they may shine well in their studies. Your open-minded approach can help to improve skills and project you as a strong candidate for selection to higher studies. Parents too may be pleased with your educational performance.

Auspicious dates: 3rd, 4th, 8th, 9th, 13th, 17th, 19th, 21st, 26th, and 27th
Inauspicious dates: 2nd, 6th, 9th, 14th, 22nd, 29th, and 30th


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